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CG | BCMR | Medals and Awards | 2009-195
Original file (2009-195.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied


Application for the Correction of 
the Coast Guard Record of: 


BCMR Docket No. 2009-195 




The applicant asked the Board to award him a selective reenlistment bonus (SRB).  He 
alleged that he was not counseled about his eligibility for an SRB on his 6th and 10th active duty 
anniversaries, which were September 28, 2002, and September 28, 2006. 

The Judge Advocate General (JAG) of the Coast Guard admitted that the applicant was 
apparently  not  counseled  about  his  SRB  eligibility  on  his  6th  or  10th  anniversary  but  recom-
mended that the Board deny relief because the requested corrections would not be in his financial 
interest.  The JAG explained that members may only receive one SRB per zone, and the appli-
cant’s record shows that he has already received a Zone B SRB for a 6-year extension contract he 
signed on April 10, 2003, which went into effect on September 27, 2003.  Moreover, the JAG 
stated that the $25,822.80 Zone B SRB that the applicant received for this extension contract—
calculated at pay grade MK2/E-5 with a multiple of 2—is greater than the sum of the Zone A and 
Zone B SRBs he would have received by reenlisting on his 6th and 10th anniversaries.  The JAG 
noted that on his 6th anniversary, the applicant was in pay grade MK3/E-4 and had previously 
obligated service through September 26, 2003, which would reduce his Zone A SRB, and on his 
10th anniversary, the authorized Zone B SRB multiple for MK2s was just 0.5. 


Article 3.C.7.1. of the Personnel Manual states that “[b]onus payments will be computed 
by taking the authorized SRB multiple, multiplying it by the member’s monthly basic pay and 
multiplying the result by the number of months of newly obligated service and dividing this fig-
ure by 12.  Shown as an equation, this would be: 

“SRB multiple x monthly basic pay x months newly obligated service 


Under ALCOAST 329/02, which was in effect on the applicant’s 6th anniversary, he was 
eligible for a Zone A SRB calculated with a multiple of 2 and the basic pay of an MK3/E-4 with 
over 4 years of service.  (Under Article 3.C.7.1. of the Personnel Manual, SRBs are calculated on 
the member’s basic pay as of the day before the date of reenlistment.  Therefore, 6th anniversary 
SRBs are paid at the “over 4” basic pay rate.)  He could have reenlisted for 6 years (72 months), 
but because his prior contract ran through September 26, 2003, his Zone A SRB would have been 
based on just 60 months of newly obligated service.  The “over 4” basic pay for an E-4 in Sep-

tember  2002  was $1,680.30.  Therefore, the maximum Zone A SRB the applicant could have 
received on his 6th anniversary was $16,803.00 ((SRB multiple 2) x ($1,680.30 monthly basic 
pay) x (60 months of newly obligated service) ÷ 12).  However, if the applicant had reenlisted for 
6 years on his 6th anniversary, September 28, 2002, he would not have been authorized to extend 
his enlistment for 6 years on April 10, 2003.  Therefore, that extension contract would be voided 
and the Zone B SRB he received for it would be recouped. 

Under ALCOAST 283/06, which was in effect on the applicant’s 10th anniversary, he was 
eligible  for  a  Zone  B  SRB  calculated  with  a  multiple  of 0.5 and the monthly basic pay of an 
MK2/E-5 with over 8 years of service.  He could have reenlisted for 6 years (72 months), but 
because  his  6th  anniversary  contract would run through September 27, 2008, his Zone B SRB 
would have been based on just 48 months of newly obligated service.  The “over 8” basic pay for 
an E-5 in September 2006 was $2,402.10.  Therefore, the maximum Zone B SRB the applicant 
could  have  received  on  his  10th  anniversary  was  $4,804.20  ((SRB  multiple  0.5)  x  ($2,402.10 
monthly basic pay) x (48 months of newly obligated service) ÷ 12).  Under Article 3.C.4. of the 
Personnel  Manual,  members  may  only  receive  one  bonus  per  zone.    Therefore,  the  applicant 
could not receive this Zone B SRB on his 10th anniversary without having his prior, $25,822.80 
Zone B SRB recouped. 

Therefore, the Board agrees with the JAG that the applicant’s request should be denied 
because the $25,822.80 Zone B SRB that he has already received exceeds the total amount he 
would have received had he reenlisted for SRBs on his 6th and 10th anniversaries.   


The  application  of  MK2  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,  USCG,  for  correction  of  his  military 


record is denied.  
March 26, 2010 


















 Jeff M. Neurauter 



 Lynda K. Pilgrim 



 Kenneth Walton 















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